Innovative Solutions

STAAR Miner Online

STAAR Miner Online provides users with the ability to upload flat files of test results.  These results are read into a database and provide real time data analysis, filtering, reports and other features through a secure web interface.

Accountability Rating Online

Accountability Rating Online can be purchased as a stand alone product or as an add on to STAAR Miner Online.  Users can upload test results flat files. The results are then read in to provide Index 1, 2, 3 and partial Index 4 ratings.

Excel® For STAAR Results

Excel® For STAAR Results gives a desktop tool that users can leverage to read school or campus level test result files.  The result is a Microsoft Excel file that can be used for further data analysis.  Reads TAKS, STAAR G3-8, TELPAS and STAAR EOC.

Excel® For Accountability

Excel® For Accountability enables administrators to read in Consolidated Accountability Files.  The result is an Excel file that can be used for further data analysis.